The rooftop.

The rooftop.


That night was memorable. I remember going to the rooftop with my friends and enjoying our takeway food; some spicy hot chicken with BBQ sauce along with a large-size pizza. We decided to stay awake all night and spend as much time as we could together before we would part ways and go to different towns for our studies. It was sad to imaging, but it had to happen. That night, never had we known that things would turn upside down and change our lives forever. The thing is.... we were not supposed to be there, at least, not on that night.

Saturday, August, 18th


When we turned the TV on, the murder case was all over the news. We were scared to death, but remained silent for the past few days. Although, we had been cautious to get gid of all the evidences, we expected to be caught by now. But nothing has led to us to be discovered. In fact, we were thinking about turning ourselves in, but we were too weak to do that. As for Lila, she was almost on the verge of getting us caught, but we had o brainwash her so that she could not bring all of us down.

Me and friends had decided not to go to the police station after thinking for hours. We were not murderers, neither did we have the soul of a murderer. We just got unlucky and found ourselves at the wrong place, at the wrong moment.

"Alright girls! We promised not to bring every single one of us down. We must remain silent no matter what happens. What is meant to be.... will be. If we get caught then, let us enjoy our last moments together."

Those were our words before getting home on that dark night, but no one was able to sleep well for the last few days....