The girl by the sea.

The girl by the sea.


I was walking alongside the beach when I saw that beautiful woman form afar. She was on her back so I couldn't really see her face, but she had a magnificent hair that make me instantly think that she was beautiful. Her long and shiny black hair was moving with the warm breeze of the sea. She was standing up, on her long and beautiful bare legs, not knowing that someone was secretly captivated by her. I stopped walking and kept looking at her, but she probably felt an intense gaze on her as she turned her back to look at me. She was as pretty as I had imagined, or maybe my brain was thinking hard that she had to be? We were so far from each other and I couldn't really see her features, but her silhouette was more than enough to nourish my fantasy. I decided to turn my head to the side as I didn't want to make it obvious that I was staring at her. I pretended to leave, but I stopped right away... Somehow, I wanted to meet her although I coud feel my anxiety growing inside me. As usual, my cowardly side left me on the spot and ruined the moment. I was so deep in my thoughts that I couldn't see her approaching to where I was. "How long have I been thinking for her to get so close?" As she got closer, her features were more distinct and I couldn't move an inch. I was about to say something as she got closer to me, but her eyes were not even considering me. Her dog's attention though was completely on me, and she passed through me as if she hadn't seen me, like I was invisible. "What was I thinking?" A part of me was relieved, but also disappointed. I wasn't expecting something, or maybe was I? I just looked at her go with her dog and smiled. "She's so pretty!" I started to advance to where she was standing when I first saw her. I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of the sea. "She was probably enjoying the same thing as I feel. Was she ?" I kept thinking about that woman. Strangely, the sea looked like her. It was both mesmerizing and mysterious...