


The long dirty black road was now covered in a shady pink color.

As if it were painted in pink, the petals of flowers were spreading all over the town. A small petal of flower fell above the tip of my nose. I took it and looked at it for a moment. I smiled then blew on it to see it fly along with the light breeze of spring time. As I was walking down the street, I remembered the streets being so cold and gloomy. Now, spring and its beautiful cherry blossoms decorated the scenery as if it were marking its territory. The cool morning breeze, the warm weather, the sparkling sun, and the magnificent scent of nature. Life was resurging from the death, pushing away winter for as long as it can last. I looked above and closed my eyes. I liked the sensation of everything coming back to its roots. Just like my mother said "Spring is like a new beginning". A new season, brand new flowers, returning animals that came back healthier than ever, chanting in the morning and passing by the windows. The savory strawberries making their comeback and bringing good vibes... The people going out, dressing up in summer attirement thinking it's Hawaii out there. The old couples going out for a walk, holding each other's arm. The young kids running around and screaming as if they were the only ones in the world, careless and innocents. Spring was here and nothing would dare to go against it because everyone was secretly waiting for it to come back. As I was stepping on the petals, I knew that it wouldn't last for a long time, but I knew that it will come back again like it always does.