


In anticipation of upcoming exam retakes, I'm hastily trying to take measures to tackle my immense laziness. I've been meaning to start for a long time and I actually started doing something, but there was a slight hitch along the way, and now I've totally lost track of what I was doing. (*) I'm writing this to create some sort of accountability to myself as well as to other people/someone else (both work, right?). Today I was sooooo sluggish with the tasks at hand that instead of studying I opted to watching youtube videos. That's a nice way to rest your mind for a while but I end up wasting too much time. Tomorrow I'm going to try out the Pomodoro technique. I already have experience with it, albeit only one day. It really made me focus, as I didn't want to spread my attention on irrelevant things. I really wanted to make the most of it. I'll be back with another post yesterday (if I don't forget, get abducted by aliens, win the lottery and become busy allocating money to the right places, get washed up on another bank of the river after floods caused by an unexpected downpour, get struck by lightning, get taken on an adventure in search of the best local cafe, which will turn out to be a secret service headquarters, decide to walk to the next nearest city, get ambushed with a surprise party, decide to write a book, get entangled in an intricate plan to topple a gang leader, hitched by ninjas or something along those lines...).

* I reread this post and figured that "have" would be appropriate if I was talking about something I'm still doing, whereas "had" would fit if talking about something I'd been doing in the past, then stopped doing, and then picked it up later in the present. Correct me if I'm wrong