


There is a test that I should've taken a month ago. It's the Duolingo English Test. To get accepted by schools, I have to take this test and send the schools that I'm applying for, but something is always keeping me from taking it. The speaking part of the exam intimidated me as I don't have many people around me to practice with, and there's a time limitation, too. Also, whenever I start speaking or writing, I forget everything I have learned and use A1 level vocabulary. In my mind I say, "I swear I know more than I speak/write, I'm better than that." But it's the outcome is what matters.

And the worse is, I can't find the deadline to send the results of the tests to the schools. I once found it and it was April 5th, but when I tried again to make sure, I couldn't find it. I'm so anxious and I just want to send the results and get over with it.