Anxiety and pandemic

Anxiety and pandemic


language learning
language exchanges

Hello everyone!

I discovered the "journaly" when my friend tell me about it. I felt so happy, because I've many difficulties with writting in English - although I understand a little the language when I listen or read - and I realized that this social media may help with my english. In addition, I fell so anxiety and unmotivated with my routine in this pandemic that I decided to start posting things I like, for example literature, art and philosophy. When we feel alone, it seems like we're looking to a abyss. But flowers can grew up through the abyss toward the brightness of our eyes. If someone is going through similar situations, feel completely welcolmed while you are here. I will post about my thoughts and feellings, and I would feel very happy if I could help someone. Please correct me when you see something wrong in the text: my english is not so good.

