I think ever since the pandemic hit, I've been getting more and more anxious. Don't get me wrong, I knew I had anxiety before that, but I feel it only got worse after everything shut down and I really don't know how to explain why is that. I usually note in the small things, for example, I had my first English class with an online tutor the other day and barely got any sleep the night before. I never had this kind of problem before the pandemic and sometimes it's exaustion, but I'm working on it! I booked other class with the tutor and I'm not letting this keeping stop me to do the things there are important to me.
Good luck with your classes! I remember how nervous I was before my first class with a tutor!
@suunshiny I know many who are feeling this way after the pandemic, keep going, you're doing great🌼🌸💮
@Kendra Thank you! Everything went really well. After a couple of minutes, I calmed myself down and could enjoy it!
@Little_Louis Thank you for the kind words!