Audiobooks vs. Podcasts

Audiobooks vs. Podcasts


language learning

Toady plan was to write some info about the accommodations and public transportation and stuff like that. But in the end the information search was tedious for me and I am sure the writing would be same level boring for You. In general I like to explore the surroundings of my company and my home but it is not the same with the Google Streetview. So now I have a bunch of information about Prague. Some are valid some are outdated. Most of them useless.

But there are good news also: I can listen some podcast during the "walk" like in real life. It is almost the same. Only I use my left finger and not my foot and no bikers to severely injure me... In Budapest they are crazy sometimes... So today I have listen some podcasts during the wandering. Conclusion: most of my podcasts is in English but mostly made by not native English speakers. I like them and I don't want to force myself to swap them with some native speaking ones.

So I changed my target: on my afternoon "walk" (still google street...) I have listen some audiobooks. I was surprised how many book is on the Spotify and they are in a really good quality. That is nice because I don't want an another app to listen books. At least if it is possible. It was a far shoot at best but I thought: why not? So I searched for some books and I found plenty to listen.

In the end: today was a big success. I gained a new tool to improve my learning process and variety is always good thing. It helps to avoid the boredom and help the freshen up a bit the exercise The biggest problem with doing the same practice all the time is that I will be good in doing the practice and not necessary in the target of the practice. Like after some time You can fast answer all of the questions on the Duolingo (or any other app) without reading through anything. So it is good to alter the tools and change the peace of the studding.