The "W5 method" for journaling

The "W5 method" for journaling



To the extent that we are all part of this amazing community, I assume that we are all practicing journaling more or less on a regular basis? If it is the case, you might know this feeling where you are in front of you screan or a blank piece of paper, and you have actualy nothing to write about, at least nothing interesting in you opinion! You feel stuck, completly unable to produce even a decent sentence! It happens to me quite frequently! First because I try to stick to this habit every evening and naturaly after a while you kind of tackle all the topics that are familiar to you so you end up unavoidably running out of inspiration! Also, and because of the pandemic, lockdown and so on, all my days are almost the same, and so the essays I make out of them are also repetitve!

Finding myself struggling with this issue, I felt the necessity to address it as soon as possible and find a solution, because I was losing my motivation and by the same occasion my momentum, which is super important to preserve when you are engaged in such a long and tough journey as learning a new language. Indeed, I started seeking solutions and alternatives on the internet and one day, I stumbled acroos a cool video on Youtube. The video was from Teacher Tiffani, an English teacher who run the channel "speak English with Tiffani" (which I highly recomand by the way). Aside the fact of being a teacher, she new perfectly what is it to learn a foreing language from the scratchs, as lived ten years im South Korea to leran the Korean.

In the video, she was sharing her own experience, and how she was struggling to stay on track and always maintain the same motivation and inspiration (just like I was struggling back then). At the end, she spok about how she was able to write a text every single day, even when her life was flatted and no that exciting. What she was doing is instead of descibing her day (like a diary), she was using the 5W method to write about a random topic. In practice, she would basically choose a topic or a character, let's say Harry potter, and then answer 5 questions: who, what, where, when and how? Then, she would theoretically be capable of forming a decent essay out of these responses which she simply ties all together. It is straightforward!

I used this method and it is clearly tested and approved! Indeed, it works so well, especially if you engage and dive into a topic you master perfectly. You recover your inspiration instantly and all the struggles vanish within a finger snap!If you are familiar with what I have described at the very beginning, maybe you could give the 5W method a shot? It would be a good, effective and powerful option to add to you arsenal.Keep me posted and let me know how did you found it?
