I almost saw a car accident happen

I almost saw a car accident happen


I saw almost a car accident happen.

I went to downtown with my husband for dinner today. On our way back home, that was happening. My husband was driving and we were waiting for a red light. There were two cars in front of us. So the order was like a red light, one car, the other car, and our car. The middle car was small and trying to go left line. Then another big car was cutting in between that car and our car. The driver of the small car left his car. I couldn't hear what he was saying but saw him yelling at the big car. Suddenly, that guy took out a spray can or something and shot at the big car. I can't tell what kind of spay it was but it seemed like water at that time. Thinking about that now, I think it was like a spay can for a party. Anyway, we didn't want to bother that crazy guy so we waited until they left even after a red light turned to blue.

Downtown in the U.S. is crazy. I can't stop myself from laughing xD