Playing a mobile game🎮

Playing a mobile game🎮



daily life

I do not usually play a mobile game constantly. However, whenever I download a mobile game, I can't stop myself from playing it.

Last Sunday, I downloaded an iOS app called "Builderment". I think I saw this app in some ad or something, and I thought it looked like "Factorio". I've never played "Factorio" but I know this game is famous and some people play it for a crazy amount of time. Like... I saw some people playing "Facrotio" for 3000 hours and they are telling other people that they have to get prepared...

Factorio and Buildermant is a game in which you create factories and make some materials. If you take time, you can eventually create what you need but this is the game to create all the materials efficiently. So you have to organize your factories correctly. For example, if the number of factories is insufficient, your lines are full of materials and they are waiting to be manufactured. On the other hand, if you build lots of factories and you can't get enough materials to manufacture, it means you waste money to build factories.

I think... I downloaded it around 11 pm last Sunday and played it until 4 am. I had work on Monday. I wanted to die...¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I went to bed at 8 pm on Monday and I came to my senses so I immediately uninstalled the app. Now I have time to write a post here again. (I was trying to write a post every day but because of that game, my strike stopped lol)