



 1990年代に図形音符と出会って以来、私は奇跡に勝るとも劣らないものを学んできた。 それは、楽譜を初見で歌う能力、つまり、最初に他の人が歌ったり演奏したりするのを聞くことなく、確実に歌い始める能力である。その奇跡とは、単に自分のために歌を歌えるということではなく、他の人と無伴奏でハーモニーを奏でられるということだ。






  Ever since encountering shape notes in the 1990s, I have learned what to me is no less than a miracle. That is the ability to sight-sing sheet music, to pick up a sheet of music and just start singing it cold without first hearing someone else sing it or play it on an instrument. The miracle of it isn’t just being able to sing songs to myself, but to sing them with others in unaccompanied harmony.

  This miracle has been displayed routinely for over 200 years in shape-note singings in the United States, where shape notes were first invented, and since the latter half of the 20th century, in other countries too. Shape notes were primarily born out the need for early American Protestant church congregations to make their own music without reliance on musical instruments, which were either unavailable or forbidden, or both. The shape-note repertoire is consequently nearly all religious. There is, however, nothing inherent in the technology of shape notes to limit their use to church music. Any tonal music that is written in notes can just as well be written in shape notes. The notation is identical to conventional notation, except that the noteheads are different shapes depending on their relative pitch.

  The songs in this collection are just ones to which I took a liking. The only unifying them is that they’re all old songs that I thought were worth preserving. I put them into shape notes so I myself could read them, but also so I could get others to sing them with me. Most of songs are in English, but a sizable number are in Japanese because of my Japanese heritage. Five songs are in other languages too. If you’re reading this on an electronic device, click on any song and it will take you to a website where you can play it to hear how all the parts sound together. I’m making this collection freely available to read online or print out for yourselves, so share to your heart’s delight!

  For more information on shape notes and this collection, please visit the website below.