Backgammon Philosophy

Backgammon Philosophy



Well life is just like gambling. When you gamble, say with Backgammon, you look at the board and hope for some best combination, usually a 5-3 or 6-1, and near the end of a game, might also want 6-6, cause one of your table men have been trapped for so long that he's been desperately needed a missile to send them home, optimal within one round.

And then, after you got your numerals, you will think, not only out of reason. That you just got eaten 1 chess at home, you want to eat one of theirs first, even when it is somehow risky ---- your chessman will be left alone, just 6 steps away from its enemy, highly vulnerable ---- but worth it, at least you so think. Sometimes, when you are enough of being treated arbitrarily by the fate and eventually want something to grab ---- enough!: the frenzy joy and the unwillingness to lose, the desperate to revenge or march ahead, all the effort for nothing ---- I was playing good, it is just that the luckiness never showed up. You may gradually gain this imagination of parallel universes.

You toss, and the very moment there emerge 10times10times10times10times10times10times10andmuchmuchmore amount of universes. Think about it, that in one of the universes you get great luck and made a Backgammon, in one of them you just vaporised out of no reason, you popped out of the world just after the toss and the event will become some myth among scientists ---- well imagining vaporized is of no good to select the strategy, lets just assume that you got two numerals, and before next toss, think about a strategy that is good not only for your current situation (which may be "I am lucky today so I might take risk to...") but for the overall 10 trillion universes. What if the 10 trillion you chose the same strategy this round and how many of them, regardless of their different numerals at next toss, will gain better outcome out of this strategy?

You might well lose the game in this reality, but knowing that more than half of your parallel siblings could gain better situation actually helps. You won't be that emotional and desperate, evenwhen you are eaten 3 times in a row, or that the enemy left no place for you to rebirth, leaving him tossing alone, rounds and a round. You will cultivate this habit of seeing through win and lose and look back on your steps, not because you win, but because it is overall better.