Giving directions

Giving directions


Though not the most practical, giving directions is probably one of the least trained areas of my English. I'm saying impractical, because what are the chances of running into a foreigner that's in need of directions in Russia these days? But nonetheless, I thought I would make a post about it, practicing the necessary vocab along the way. I skimmed the topic a couple of times a few months back, but the knowledge didn't seem to stick (any better word for this?), so I'm revisiting it now.

To make it more proper, I found a map to work off.

Here's the link:

Ignore the text in the picture

For the purposes of this exercise, I'm going to use the red upside-down star as the starting point.

- Excuse me, how do I get to the butcher's?

- Go straight ahead/go to the end of the street, then turn right and go one block. It's across the road.

- Excuse me, is there a restaurant nearby?

- You're almost there — it's to your right, next to the garden.

- Excuse me, could you tell me where the railway station is?

- Sure, go one block down Main Road, take a shortcut through Central Park, and then take a left, and it'll be just across the road. Or just go down Main Road, take the second left and keep going down the street, past the junction — you won't miss it.

- Excuse me, is there a library around here?

- Yeah, there (pointing). Go 200 yards, and it's on the right, next to the fish shop.

Now, imagine we're at the junction next to the deli

- Excuse me, do you know the way to the florist's?

- Go down the street, take a right, go past the bank, and it'll be on your right.

Here's the second map:

The starting point is the Dover Adult Learning Center (bottom left-hand corner)

Fish Ladder Park

- Go straight ahead, past the roundabout, right down the road, then take a left and keep going up/down Central Avenue. When you pass the bank on your right, keep going 400 yards and it'll be on the right.

Young Street

Go all the way down the street, take a left, then take the first right and keep going up Washington Street, across the river, then turn left, walk a couple hundred yards down Main Street and it's on your right.


A few example sentences I made:

Turn right at the corner and go straight ahead. It's on your right, next to the bank.

Turn left at the corner and go half a mile along the street until you hit (?) the zebra crossing. It's across the street opposite the bank. Can't miss it.

- Excuse me, could you tell me where the hospital is?

- Sorry, I don't know. I'm not from around here.