



PSLE Continuous Writing Practice

Theme: Gratitude

Prompt pictures: Lost and Found

“No homework, Linda?” Mrs Lim boomed, her voice echoing through the classroom, “Again?” Her lips pressed into a white slash and her eyebrows knitted into a knot. Disappointment was evident on her stern face and the air crackled with her fury.

Panic washed over Linda, her stomach lurching like a rollercoaster. Her precious project workbook, weeks of painstaking efforts, was nowhere to be found. It had vanished with no trace. Just this morning, it was still safely resting in her school bag, waiting to be handed in. Now, it was as absent as a ghost on vacation.

“Detention after school tomorrow!” Mrs Lim’s words like icy shards piercing through Linda’s heart. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the sneers on her classmates’ faces. Shame clawed at her throat and she buried her face among her stack of books.

Lunch was a soggy mess of tears and an insipid sandwich. Seeing the wretched state Linda was in now, her best friend, Mona, approached her and tried to console her. “Why not try your luck at the Lost and Found Corner?” A sliver of hope flickered in Linda’s heart.

The Lost and Found was a graveyard of forgotten items– half-filled water bottles, keychains with dangling accessories, dictionaries with torn covers, assorted coloured pens. Linda’s heart palpitated frantically as she scanned the pile. Every item was vying for her attention but none was what she was looking for. Her frustration reigned again.

Desperately, Linda plonked herself onto a bench. The looming punishment and the weight of guilt crushed her. Suddenly, a gentle hand rested on her shoulder,” Ah girl, you okay or not?”, a warm voice asked. Linda lifted her head slightly. It was the Malay food store Auntie. She listened patiently to the whole story and offered a valuable suggestion,” You could retrace your steps today and check where it was last seen!” A knowing smile playing on her lips.

With renewed hope, Linda sprang to action. The classroom, the corridor, the staircase, the library, Linda went through her morning routine but still drew a blank. Just as despair threatened to engulf her, she stopped by the vending machine where she had grabbed a drink before class. And there, wedged between the machine and the wall, was her precious workbook!

Relieved, Linda sprinted to Mrs Lim’s office. Mrs Lim raised an eyebrow in surprise as Linda presented her project workbook to her, slightly crumpled but complete. Following was Linda’s explanation in a breathless rush. Mrs Lim did not cancel the detention but her frown softened. She admonished Linda not to let this happen again and Linda responded with a sheepish apology before leaving the staffroom.

On her way back to the classroom, the huge weight on Linda was lifted and she felt fortunate that she had such wonderful people to reach out a helping hand when things went wrong. Linda was filled with gratitude. Gratitude to Mona, who had cheered her up when she was dispirited. Gratitude to the Malay store Auntie, who had given her helpful guidance on retrieving the missing book. Gratitude even to Mrs Lim, whose strict demeanour and demanding standards forced her to become a more responsible person. Linda felt her heart warming to the kindness of these people. This incident was not just about a missing workbook, an academic grade, or a punishment, but it revealed the sincere care and love connecting one and another. Smiling, Linda quickened her steps to class.