



In many countries around the world, rural people are moving to cities, so the population in the countryside is decreasing.

Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?


Nowadays rural areas have suffered from the shortage of people caused by low quality of life there. The main reason they are moving to cities is low salary in villages. There are usually big families in countrysides and men can't provide for them due to lack of opportunities, therefore they are trying to make money in cities.

In my opinion decreasing population in rural areas is an alarming sign for the government. Firstly, the agriculture system might be inflicted badly. I believe over 60 percent of vegetables and cereal corps are growing in rural areas. With empty fields our nutrition will be impaired and later on it will affect on our health. Second issue is a huge unemployment in rural areas at the moment. It caused because government prefer to import products instead of to support local farmers. And if no grocery store won't buy any goods from farmers, they in their turn will loss profits and they have to fire workers who is mostly from rural areas.

Coming to a conclusion, to prevent this negative tendancy, the government should stimulate people to stay in villages and moreover create a programm that let people from cities move to rural area to run agriculture business there giving a loan and provide soil without any taxes at least for 3 years.