A Bus Ride on a Rainy Day

A Bus Ride on a Rainy Day


daily life

A Bus Ride on a Rainy Day

The ominous dark clouds gathering overhead, first blotted out the sun, and soon gulped the last slice of blue sky, casting a somber hue over everything. The sporadic rumbles of thunder warned of a brewing downpour. In fear of getting caught in a rain, I quickened my pace and rushed to the bus stop, the schoolbag bouncing anxiously on my back. A bus pulled over as soon as I reached the bus stop and I stepped onto it without hesitation just before the first raindrop descended to the ground.

The drizzle picked up in a matter of minutes and soon it was pouring down in torrents. Settled by the bus window, I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that luck was on my side as I had just successfully dodged the raindrops that now danced on the pavement. The trundling bus ground to a halt and opened its door to welcome a group of passengers drenched from top to toe. Among them, a fully soaked boy hopped on and squeezed into the back of the bus, his wet hair sticking to his forehead in disarray, his eyes glittering with the excitement about running through the rain. “Boy, carefully. Don’t catch a cold!” a caring auntie reminded gently. Following the boy was a disgruntled man in a suit, whose glasses were blurred by water droplets. “What a crummy day!” he exclaimed in a frustrated tone. Clearly upset by the inconvenience of the weather, he continued to air his grievances to anyone within earshot.

The bus's air conditioner felt extraordinarily cold on rainy days, emitting an unusual chill that sent shivers down my spine. I wrapped my arms around myself tightly, seeking extra warmth against the surrounding temperature. The rain showed no sign of letting up. The wipers were working feverishly, desperately attempting to maintain visibility, but they were no match against the relentless shower cascading down the windscreen. Through the obscured bus window, the cityscape outside turned into an abstract painting. The flickering traffic lights and tail lights of cars left colourful dots on the indistinct outlines of streets and buildings. Suddenly, a couple of dazzling arrows of lightning tore the dark sky apart. I jolted and cringed in the ensuing crash and roar of thunder.

When I just snapped out of it, my eyes fell on the profile of the driver. Despite the raindrops pelting onto the windshield, causing limited visibility in the front, his eyes were staring straight ahead with determination, hands gripping the steering wheel firmly. In that fleeting moment, he resembled a weathered skipper navigating a ship through a violent storm. Knowing that he was the person we could rely on, my racing heart calmed down, and a sense of reassurance washed over me. I found temporary relief on the bus, which shielding me from the challenges of the elements outside.

Not long after, the bus reached my designated stop. When the bus stopped by the curb, I hesitated at the opened door. The pouring rain did not seem to relent and there was a gap between the bus and the bus stop shelter, indicating an inevitable drenching that awaited me. I took in a deep breath, preparing to face the judgement from the heavens. Just as I stepped off the bus, a kind-looking uncle leaned out from the bus stop and positioned himself between the bus and shelter, keeping me dry from the rain with a large black umbrella in his hand.

“Watch your step, and the puddles,” his friendly voice chimed in.

“Oh, thank you so much!” I responded simultaneously, nodding my head in gratitude.

He threw a smile as the reply, walked away and faded into the dusk, leaving behind a sense of warmth in the face of the cold rain. I couldn't help but marvel at the small acts of kindness that illuminate even the dreariest of days.