A Huge Responsibility

A Huge Responsibility


daily life

PSLE Continuous Writing Practice

Theme: A Huge Responsibility

Prompt pictures: sign saying project work / birthday cake/ two siblings (Use at least one of the three pictures)

"There you go."

"Thank you."

Bob collected the birthday cake over the counter and threw a glance at the recipient’s address. "It’s not far. 15-minute ride will do," he murmured with satisfaction, starting to plan a quick dinner after this delivery. Noticing a colourful candle in the shape of number six attached inside, Bob pictured a kid grinning when receiving the cake. A smile flicked over his face.

When Bob walked out of the bakery, the setting sun was casting its last rays, painting the bustling city with a warm, amber glow. Bob reached his trusty scooter, inserted the key and turned it. To his surprise, the expected hum of the engine was absent. Puzzled, he tried again but still to no avail. "Are you kidding me?" Bob grumbled. He had a cake to deliver but his scooter had broken down. His mind raced, running over all possible solutions to delivering the cake on time.

"Taking MRT? No. I can't afford to get the cake crushed during the rush hour."

Taking a cab to deliver was way too costly but Bob was so eager to keep his delivery record perfect that he fished out his mobile phone and opened the taxi-hailing App. However, 5 minutes passed and no taxi driver responded. Bob sighed, feeling a bit frustrated. Suddenly, an image of a disappointed child flashed across his mind. Knowing it was a huge responsibility to hand the birthday cake to the little one who was anticipating it, Bob made up his mind to set out on foot.

“It’s about six blocks away. I’ve got to hurry.”

With a cell phone in hand for navigation, Bob descended to the underpass in order to get across the intersection above the ground. As a regularkr scooter rider, he had never expected the underground passage was so complex that it seemed a labyrinth to him and he soon lost his bearings in the signs and arrows pointing to the various exits. With brow furrowed, Bob was forced to fall back on the passersby to help find the right way out but it cost him another 10 minutes.

Finally emerging from the underpass, Bob found himself on the correct street, but he realized he had misjudged the distance. The six blocks felt longer on foot than they did on his scooter. The extended walk took a toll on Bob’s legs, leaving them throbbing with fatigue. The cake, carefully cradled in his arms, seemed to grow heavier with each step.

The phone buzzed abruptly. Bob lit the screen and the number displayed was from the bakery.

“The buyer just called in to check the status of delivery. Is everything all right?” asked the other side.

Bob could sense the worry in the bakery's voice. "Just a minor delay. I'm on my way," he assured them, though the concern in his own voice betrayed the urgency he felt.

Determined to make up for lost time, Bob quickened his pace as he weaved through the evening crowd, though balancing the cake box was not easy. When he was just two blocks away, a barricade confronted him with a sign “This road is temporarily closed”. Bob’s heart fell. With his shirt drenched and stomach rumbling, he desperately wanted to abort the task. Still, he couldn't shake off the image of the disappointed child waiting eagerly for the birthday cake. Bob bit his lip and mustered his strength to find a detour around the blocked road. It was the sense of responsibility that fueled him to fulfill his commitment.

The amber glow of the city had transformed into the soft hues of twilight, and streetlights began to flicker on, casting long shadows on the pavement. Bob's legs ached, but he pressed on, his eyes focused on the prize – the birthday cake that needed to be delivered.

Finally reaching the designated address, Bob stood before the door, slightly out of breath but relieved. He took a moment to compose himself, straightened his uniform, and rang the doorbell. Warm, welcoming faces greeted him as the door swung open. The child's eyes lit up at the sight of the cake. Bob handed it over with a genuine smile.

“Thank you so much! You saved the day!” exclaimed the grateful parent.

Bob nodded with delight. He had just fulfilled a huge responsibility. A feeling of accomplishment enveloped him, overshadowing all the challenges he had encountered.