Example Sentences

Example Sentences


The late months of summer are usually marked by high temperatures in this part of the world.

If we speed up, we might be able to catch up to the car ahead of us.

If you hurry up, you might be able to catch the bus.

The hotel we stayed in was really dilapidated.

The house needed demolition as it was badly/severely dilapidated.

This shopping centre is on its last legs: every other shop in there went bankrupt long ago. I'd be really surprised if it's still going in a year's time.

I've had this laptop for five years now, and it's really on its last legs.

Original sentence I heard: We need to cross over this crossroad (BrE) and then it's straight onto the car park.

Sentence I made (rather added a bit on top of the last one, really): Cross over this crossroad (BrE) and take the path through the park: it'll lead you right/straight onto the car park.