An Honest Act

An Honest Act


language learning

PSLE Continuous Writing Practice

Theme: An Honest Act

Prompt pictures: An iPhone/a bag/a bicycle (Use at least one of the three pictures)

One Sunday morning, I was window-shopping with my family at Vivocity Mall. Suddenly, the call of nature interrupted my leisurely stroll and prompted me to rush to the nearest toilet. As I stepped into an unoccupied cubicle, my eyes were met with an iPhone dangling on the door hook.

Reaching out tentatively, my fingers touched the cool and smooth surface of the phone. The dormant high-tech block awakened. In an instant, the boring toilet tiles were bathed in the vivid glow of the screen, casting a spectrum of vibrant colours. With a single swipe, the wallpaper carousel came into view—a luscious strawberry sitting atop a silver plate displayed in high resolution. Pixels revealed the details of its tenderness and brought the digital image to life.

A spell of dizziness hit me as I was overwhelmed by the amazement at my discovery. This was indeed a windfall as I had pestered my mom for months for a new phone but kept being rejected. I scrutinized the phone closely and not a single scratch or dent was found on the glossy body. “It’s almost like new!” I exclaimed, “This is the latest model just released last week.” My hands began to tremble with excitement and I started to contemplated the possibilities that owning such a coveted device could bring—an upgrade to my digital life, access to the latest blockbuster games, and a status symbol among my peer.

Suddenly, a ring broke my reverie. A string of digits popped up on the screen. Instinctively, I swiped and hung up. However, the phone persisted ringing one more time with the same number. Apparently, the calls were from the righteous owner of the phone. I hesitated, struggling between the allure of keeping the unexpected fortune and the sense of moral responsibility. After lasting for a while, the buzz finally ceased. I desperately persuaded myself to believe that the owner had given up on search and thrusted the phone into my pocket before clicking open the latch on the cubicle door.

Without warning, a series of ringtones shattered the peace of the restroom. I was caught off guard and hastily fished out the phone. It was still the same number. The echoes throughout the restroom intensified my internal conflict. “Should I answer the phone?” I could feel my palm clammy but my thumb was hovering in the air. Finally, a profound sense of integrity prevailed. With a deep breath, I pressed the connected button. A voice mixed with relief and concern sounded on the other end of the line.

“Thank God! It’s through! Hi, could you please return my phone?”

“Oh, sure...Let’s meet at the information counter.” I uttered.

“Thank you! It’s so kind of you!” The owner replied full of gratitude.

I navigated through the crowded mall and arrived at the rendezvous as quickly as I could. But a wave of shame enveloped me. I did not feel like to face the owner, so I just left the phone at the concierge and stepped away.

After returning the phone, I felt as if my body had just shrugged off a weight and the mall’s vibrancy seemed somehow even brighter. The unexpected windfall turned out to be an invaluable lesson in morality and I was glad that my act finally aligned with the principle that “Honesty is the best policy.”