English practice

English practice


Jimmy was looking at Olivia embarassed. At this point, he knew that he messed things up. He didn't want to intervene or play the hero, but he didn't like the way his father was talking to Olivia.

When Olivie was staying silent, anxiety grew inside him. He didn't know what o expect or what was on Olivia's mind. Was she mad, disppointed or sad, or maybe a little bit of everything ?

The only thing thing that he knew was that she silently folded some of her clothes and put them in a bag.

"I'm done! Le's go!" she said to Jimmy without looking at him. Jimmy followed her without saying a word. Instead, he wished he hadn't reacted back then. When they were about to leave the house, Olivia's mother immediately ran to her, hugged her and whispered something in her ears that Jimmy couldn't hear. Then she slowly approached Jimmy and hugged him too, which made him nervous at the moment. He was certainly not expecting that, especially after stepping in a family argument.

He smiled and coughed,which made her smile.

"We'll be leaving now, take care mom!" she said to her mother whose eyes were staring to be filled with water.

She slowly nodded her head and made a sign to tell her to leave now.

When they left the house to Jimmy's mansion, the ride was completely silent. Olivia was gazing at the window.

When they finally arrived to get into the house, Olivia finally spoke:

"What was that back there ?" she asked Jimmy with her arms on her waist. She said it so seriously, which made Jimmy uncomfortable. Now, he knew that he had offended her and she was pissed off.

"You know, I didn't mean to, it's just, you know..."

Olivia was fiwing him with an undescriptable look, but then all of a sudden she started to laugh her heart out, wich made Jimmy confused.

He tried to understand the situation, but couldn't get it. Instead, he started to laugh too until the two of them were caught in a hysterical laughter.

"Are you done now? " she asked him as she got back to being serious again. Jimmy really couldn't understand. Few minutes ago, she was bursting into laugh and now she was dangerously staring at him as if he had commited the worse sin in the world.

"Would you like a glass of water? My throat is dry. I'm gonna get some water." he said, and without further ado, he headed to the kitchen.

"What the hell is that woman?" he asked himself feeling some type of weird feelings.