IELTS Task 1

IELTS Task 1



Your next door neighbour owns a small dog that barks throughout the day and the night. Write a letter to your neighbour requesting that something be done about the dog. Include in your letter:

-Your reason for writing 

-What you would like to happen 

-A nice, respectful style.


Greeting my dear neighbour,

I am writing you regarding your cute little dog that makes noise all day long.

We have been neighbours for nearly 10 years and we haven't had any problems with each other so far. I know that you bought a puppy last week and it is great because I adore animals especially dogs. As you know I have 2 jobs. Sometimes I work night shifts and I need to sleep next day at least 7 hours and I strongly believe that your dog starts barking at 8 am when you leave your appartment. I would recommend you to take some courses with a dog trainer. There are many in our city or you can find them on the Internet. It would be so kind of you if you teach him to stay alone as soon as possible because other neighbours think that is my dog makes noise.

In case you don't want to spend money for lessons I could give you an advice how you can solve the problem with barking. When you have a day off or free time you should go out from your place and stay behind the front door listening your dog. If he starts barking or approach to the front door you have to enter inside and tell him using the strict intonation in your voice and special signs (it's better if I show the signs personally) that it is prohibited to do this and that. After 1-2 days of regular training the dog will quit his inappropriate behavior.

If you have any questions please ask me without hesitations

All the best

Denis Adyev