IELTS Writing Task

IELTS Writing Task



"Information technology enables many people to do their work outside their workplace (e.g. at home, when travelling, etc.).Do the benefits of this mobility outweigh the disadvantages?"


Nowadays, the computer science have been advanced and the people can do they work duties wherever they are. Especially the tendendcy of having a remote job became popular during the pandemic period in 2020. Let's consider pros and cons if you have a remote position at your job.

The first advantage working from outside a specific workplace is to be more independent. You don't have to get up 1 or even 2 hours earlier your working schedule and rush to catch a bus. You decide for yourself whether you want to dress in a suit or to stay in your pyjama in front of a computer because nobody would see you in person. I would consider other benefit of working remotely for introverts. Those timid people can not focus on their duties while there are noises around them. But at home, in a complete silence, no matter how many tasks they are given, they will finish all errands on time.For sure there are disadvantages on this matter.

Particullary if you are travel lover you will not have a constant broadband internet connection and it may cause a lot of trouble for you not completing an important request from a boss or a client. The othrer drawback in my opinion without interacting with people in person a mankind can degrade. I have a vivid example of my friend. He has been working remotely for 7 years as a IT specialist. He appears on public probably once in a month and gradually he is distant from me and friends as we can't find any topics to discuss as it was before.

Coming to a conclusion I must say that is up to you whether you want to have a regular job or to do your works remotely.As for me I have had remote job for 5 years and I don't regret a day that I chose this kind of job.