Lost phone

Lost phone


Today I went to my last DJing session of the season. My mentor gave me a USB that includes all songs I picked, in case I want to go to another studio for practicing. It was an efficient session but we couldn't do something I wanted, which is recording my first mix. I will prepare a whole new post about it.

After saying goodbye to my mentor, I headed to a supermarket. I picked some pomegranates, got 2 bagels and some cheese. Then I went to the cashier to make the payment. I paid and packed my stuff, then I walked to the bus station. I put my pocket on the floor to check my bag, and what do I see? My bag is open and upside down. I marched up between the bus station and the grocery store. I went back to grocery store again, and told a cashier that I lost my phone. That phone was an obsolete makeshift, but it was enough for me and my mom. The cashier noted my information and said they'll call me if they find it. I walked all over the store to find it, but I couldn't. Then I came home, hoping that I'm mistaken and I left it home. Unfortunately, it wasn't there either.

I called my mom, and she told me not to worry. I'm a little surprised that she spoke with a positive attitude. Because she normally would say "we are all unlucky, what else would I expect?" or something like that. It felt a little comforting to hear that, because I already feel like I've bungled everything up. If I hear this out loud from someone else, that makes me feel more overwhelmed.

Now I'm sleepy, and I have a headache. I sent an email to my mentor about this. I hope he says he found it at the studio. Otherwise I'll be cheesed off for a while.