Example Sentences

Example Sentences


In a frenzy of rage he hit him.

Duncan's game-winning shot sent the crowd into a frenzy.

The Black Friday sale can be best described as a buying frenzy.

I don't mind running in the cold.

And then you just go round to some friend's house and have a cup of tea reminiscing about good old times.

Grandpa likes to reminisce about his years in the navy.

Her shoe came off and got wedged between the bars.

And there's all these other podcasts that don't get a look-in.

Our opponents were so good - we didn't get a look-in.

(not get a look-in (UK informal) = to not have a chance to do something or succeed)

(do non-Brits know this phrase?)

I thought I might look in on Bob on my way to the store.

Our car wouldn't start, so we hitched a lift/ride (home) from one of the locals at the party.

He hitched a ride from work with one of his colleagues.

This scene is so emotional, it often makes people choke up.

The joke that he made on the spur of the moment was actually quite witty.

The crux of the country's economic problems is its foreign debt.

The benefits outweigh the risks.

The police officer unloaded the whole clip/mag into the perp before he finally fell down.