Story 11: Human

Story 11: Human



"It is bizarre, right?" I mulled it over. "I just don't understand why people can be so mean. You'd expect it from strangers, but when those close to you behave the same way, it's a whole different game and the rules change without warning, and it's just hard to fathom."

"Humans! Not surprising at all!" Bob chimed in. "They really know how to hurt each other. And Those nearest and dearest to us can really catch us off guard with their actions. It's like they know exactly where it hurts and go straight for it. Just when you think you're safest around them, then BOOOOOMMMM! SURPRISEEEEE!"

"Human is the scariest." I added.

"Couldn't agree more," Bob replied. Then he goes, "Oh my gosh! That just reminded me of crime shows! I mean, most of the time the killer is someone who's closest to you."

"You watch too many crime shows. " I teased, tossing a cushion at him.

"It's true, though. People are just people." Bob chuckled, leaning back. "We're indeed like in the big show, like you know, The Truman Show. I wonder if aliens are tuning in for some entertainment. It'd be interesting if they're into our drama-filled genre, wouldn't it?"

Headline image by chuttersnap on Unsplash