Example Sentences

Example Sentences


Today I decided to write down words, phrases and collocations I came across that I find interesting, haven't used before, or simply want to get firmly stuck in my mind to enrich my active vocabulary. I made some example sentences containing those words to get it all kind of cemented. Some of the sentences are related to certain topics; some are not.

I study in technical university and I'm part of the IT department.

What year are you in now?

Just download several episodes of a podcast and you can listen to them on the go: while commuting to work or travelling or anywhere else.

His actions against authorities sparked (off) a wave of hatred coming from all government-related institutions.

I was brought up on this cartoon/movie/film/show/series.

There's lots more vocabulary relating to movies.

I still have lots more to work on.

I wrote this essay in a 5-week span. (What's the difference with the next one? A bit more formal?)

I wrote this essay in 5 weeks.

As he was doing an impression of [insert any celebrity name], he pulled a frowning face.

As an English person, I'm sure you always have tea at the ready.

To participate in this event you have to be 16 or over.

We were filming all the stuff leading up to the actual show, you know, preparations, setting thing up, organizing things.

We had to raise the ticket price to cover the cost for renting the stage (maybe "set" as well? if we're talking about a music concert).

They really put effort into bringing their services to the top of the market.

They successfully launched their app and made a name for themselves in the music industry.