How I am learning Spanish with content meant for Natives (Part 2)

How I am learning Spanish with content meant for Natives (Part 2)


You may have read my earlier post on how I've learnt my Spanish. This is the continuation of that.

So I have told you I learnt Spanish by watching youtube videos by native speakers. Now i will tell you my learning strategy.

When I found stuff that I either find interesting (which might be quite above my level) or something I manage to understand from the context, I share it to my facebook group (which i created especially for this).

So after I have shared that video, I might go straight to work, or I might just continue watching another video. It depends on how much I really want to know what is being said, or I might have another video in my suggested list which I wanted to watch. I would because I know that good (for learning Spanish too) video will still be there in my fb group page. And I wouldn't lose it or forget about it. This is important because my interest in that new video might not be there the next time I see it again.

When I am in the mood to start studying, I will then use key words in the video (like acquisicion vs aprendimento, autodidacta) or any phrases I think are interesting concepts, and search them on google.

I usually search in three categories. Blogs or articles, videos, and/or news. (I ordered this according to the order of tabs in the google search page.)

Voila! Now i have what was on Youtube in writing! These i "file" up by pasting their links in the comments in the Fb post of that youtube page. (Ingenius right?!)

The next step is copying the text, and pasting it in the subcomment of that blog/article/news. And I look up the words and also append it to the paragraph. That way, I don't have to look them up again the next time I read it.

I call this method "Thematic Comprehensible Input". And I have two fb pages for this. "Italian with Thematic Comprehensible Input" and "Spanish with Thematic Comprehensible Input".

(If you have created a new page in this concept, please name it with this convention too! I will join your group and I promise I will help with your work. More hands make easy work.)

I will write another post (Part 3) about what the principles are behind this strategy of mine. Stay tuned!