Story 9

Story 9



Remember when I was rambling about that antique shop? You still got that in your memory bank, right?

Well, it jogged my memory about some seniors from my elementary school. I still vividly recall them, their name were seriously something else — Unique and Antique. How freaking cool! I swear, I was practically president of their fan club if fan clubs were exclusively for names.

These weren't a run-of-the-mill names; they were like VIP passes attendance. I mean, who names their kids Unique and Antique? It's like their parents had a secret handbook on giving their children names that guarantee they'll be the talk of the town.

So, there I was, this wide-eyed kid, totally awestruck by the sheer audacity of their names. My parents went with something traditional, but these guys? They were breaking the mold. It was like having celebrities in the same hallway, but instead of red carpets outfits, they had names that turned heads.

I bet Unique and Antique never had to deal with the struggles of having a common name. No, they owned it.

Anyway, those names are forever etched in my memory. Triggered by a random stroll down an antique shop aisle.

Headline image by bernardhermant on Unsplash