Story 8

Story 8



I've got a new story to tell!

So, I walk into this antique shop, right? Loads of dusty old stuff in every nook and cranny. I'm thinking, "Woah, did I just step into a time machine or what?"

I start rumagging through this pile of books and guess what? A tiny, creepy spider sneaks out, doing the eight-legged cha-cha-cha on my hand. I settle down, trying not to flip out."Great, just what I needed—a spider friend."

Then, the owner starts babbling about the nitty-gritty history of every item in there. Like, I just wanted a cool vintage lamp, not a lecture on how it survived two world wars and a poltergeist. Talk about TMI.

There I am, pretending to be super invested in the history lesson — spoiler alert, I'm not! I'm casually scanning the place and out of the blue, I somehow catch something sticking/poking out a bit between cabinets. So, I decide to check it out. You know what? It's love letter! Classic, huh?

It's a love letter from someone named Edgar to his secret crush, Matilda. I'm reading it and it is indeed like a romance novel plot.

Well, you never know what might sneak into your day when you least expect it. Antique shops, man, really know how to keep you on your toes.

Headline image by kolir_svitla on Unsplash