Story 7, Perhaps?

Story 7, Perhaps?



For me, writing is like a box of chocolates. You open it up, and you never really know what you're gonna get—could be sweet and delightful, or maybe a bit nutty. It's pretty cool how writing helps me deal with all sorts of feelings—whether I'm feeling down, over the moon, or just tangled up in anxious emotions. The same goes for drawing. But let's be real, sometimes it's not all rainbows and sunshine.

It really does help untangle the chaos inside your brain and heart. It's like digging deep into your soul, pulling out the rawest, most vulnerable pieces of yourself, and laying them bare for the world to see. It's painful, like opening the wounds, and the words can cut like knives, which somehow helps release and let out a breath you've been holding in. But then again, there are those times when you just hate it. Don't you think?

Headline image by jbrengc on Unsplash