Change for the Better

Change for the Better



A PSLE continuous writing practice

Theme: Change for the Better

Prompt Pictures: An untidy bedroom/a laptop/a boy running outdoor (Use at least one of the three pictures)

Change for the Better

It would be an understatement to say Bob was fat. His ample frame seemed to defy the boundaries of his school desk, and his cheeks were round and chubby. He was often made the laughing stock of the class, with his belly, seemingly in a perpetual contest with gravity, attracting the amused glances and chuckles of his classmates. His classmates couldn't help but nickname him 'Bob the Blob,' and his weight became a source of endless jokes and jests, leaving him feeling isolated and self-conscious. However, Bob remained unmotivated to alter his circumstances until one fateful incident jolted him into action.

Fire broke out in the HDB building where Bob lived and the residents evacuated amid the choking smoke and deafening alarm. Bob staggered out of his unit in panic, only to find the lift is out of order, meaning that he had to join the crowd scrambling down the stairs from Level 20. No more than five steps, Bob’s knees started protesting and his heart thumped wildly. The oxygen in the cramped stairwell was running thin and Bob was light-headed. Out of a sudden, Bob blacked out and collapsed. When he regained consciousness, Bob found himself lying on a field in a safe distance from the building on fire. It was his kind neighbours who had taken turns to carry him down from the 20th floor—a true Herculean feat. Bob felt grateful but embarrassed as his obesity not only put his life in danger but also caused trouble to others. Therefore, he set his heart to change for the better.

Arduous physical training was apparently a torture for Bob. During the first few weeks, he struggled to complete half of the laps in his running plan before panting heavily and yielding to exhaustion. His legs, throbbing with soreness, could barely muster the strength to carry him back home from the gym following each grueling spin session. Whenever the thought of quitting crossed his mind, he would glare at his prominent belly and round waist where excessive fat accumulated and swore, “I will get rid of you! Sooner or Later!” With renewed resolve, Bob returned to training the next day.

Resisting the temptation of snacks proved an even greater challenge for gluttons like Bob. As he passed the crossroads near the school, Bob tried to shun the pastries shop but the tantalizing aroma tugged him towards to the shop window. A luscious strawberry shortcake, adorned with plump, ruby-red strawberries and billows of fluffy whipped cream, sat atop a golden, crumbly biscuit base, all beckoning Bob. His stomach growled with longing and his mouth watered. Just as he was about to succumb to his desire, Bob’s determination kicked in. He pinched himself hard on his thigh and exclaimed, “I won’t let my efforts go to waste!” He spun his heel and turned his back on the boulangerie, quickly scuttling away.

Finally, Bob’s hard work paid off and he managed to shed 20kg in three months. Bob was even chosen to represent his school in a track and field competition. He came in the third place in the 1000m race. When Bob was standing on the podium, his bronze medal shimmering like gold in the sun light. A radiant smile lit up Bob’s face, once rotund now with a perfect jawline. He murmured to himself, “I’m so glad that I’ve made the right decision to change for the better.”