An Unwelcome Visit

An Unwelcome Visit



A PSLE continuous writing practice

Theme: An Unwelcome Visit

Prompt Pictures: A boy knocking at a door/a cake crawling with ants/a calendar (Use at least one of the three pictures)

An Unwelcome Visit

“Buzz, buzz.” The alarm clock went off. I jumped out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom to dress up. Mike and I had had a great time at my house the previous weekend and I was invited to Mike’s house for another play date this morning. After a few looks in front of the mirror, I set off in high spirits.

I skipped all the way in the shadows of the towering raintrees lining on both sides, birds chirping merrily overhead. Not long, I arrived. A well-manicured lawn was studded with various flowers, across which a cobblestone path led to the doorstep of Mike’s house. The ivory white walls provided a canvas for the dappled shades cast by the magnolia trees in front of the house, their leaves rustling in the breeze. I checked my watch—I was right on time. Eager to see my best friend Mike and continue our unfinished board game, I hastened my steps and approached the door. A wind chime hanging over the porch tinkled, as if it was greeting my arrival.

I tapped gently on the door but there was no response. I drew close to the door and heard some chatter inside, so I knocked again. The door swung open in a few seconds and Mike was standing in front of me.

“Hi, buddy!” I raised my right hand, asking for a high five.

Mike flinched. He did not seem as excited to see me as I was to see him.

“What? Not a good timing?” I quipped in my usual fashion.

Mike opened his mouth hesitantly, trying to say something but I did not catch his mumbling.

“Who is that?” The voice of Mike’s mother was heard from the depths of the house.

“Nobody...Just a random peddler.” Mike stuttered to his mother and turned to me again, gesturing me to leave before closing the door. His facial expression was puzzling.

I was taken aback and completely baffled. “Did I say something offensive? There must be some misunderstanding!” I decided to clear it up and rapped the door once again. The door creaked open and Mike’s head popped out of the door slit, looking irritated.

“Hey, what’s the matter? Are you all right?” I asked in a sincere manner.

“Nothing. You are not welcome today! Go away!” Mike knitted his brows and snapped. His face was screwed up with a hint of embarrassment before he slammed the door shut at my shocked face. The wind bell let out a jumble of messy notes in the gust.

I was so shocked that I stared blankly at the door for almost a minute. Then I fished out my phone and dialed Mike’s number, but he did not answer it. “Not welcomed? Are you kidding me?” I wanted to dial again but my dignity kept my fingers from the act. As anger welled up within me, the incessant drone of cicadas only intensified the palpable tension in the air. Throwing the last look at the house, I stormed away. Even worse, as I walked, I accidentally stepped on a helpless snail on the ground. Its shell was completely crushed underfoot, leaving a slimy green substance left on the bottom of my shoe. I muttered under my breath, "What a day!"

In the next few days, I still could not forgive Mike for the way he had treated me. I intentionally ignored him in the class and he seemed to avoid me as well. I also noticed some changes in him. For example, he stopped buying meals from the canteen; instead, he munched on white bread brought from home during recess. Two weeks later, Mike no longer came to school and the teacher announced that he had relocated to another city with his family. Later on, I learned that Mike’s father had failed in his business and his family plunged into debt. I suddenly understood why he did not want to see me during my last visit. I should have tried harder to reach out and support him as a friend but I do not have the chance. Every time I pass by Mike’s old house, all the memories flood back, leaving an insatiable gnaw in my heart all because of the unwelcome visit that fateful day.