Unfair for Kids!

Unfair for Kids!


daily life

You will probably think I will write ridiculous stories about ridiculous things, or some non-fiction as usual. Nope, not this time. I am eleven now. Perhaps it is time for somebody to pay attention to my writing.

I know that kids are not supposed to be treated as seriously as adults, but sometimes I feel this is a teeny tiny bit unfair for us. First, schools are a bit overprotective to kids. Let’s take a look at our school. They will not let us run, just because they are paranoid that one of us would fall down and parents would demand why their child came home with a bleeding knee. They know a lot about pleasing the parents, but what about the children? The children could talk some sense to their parents to let them run. If they fall down, they can take the responsibility themselves to be blamed by parents, and not the school. This it the same to other games that your might get hurt but not too seriously, like football and blind man’s bluff.

Second, sometimes adults don’t take us seriously. For example, a kid drew a really cool picture and he wanted to show it to an adult who was reading or playing on their phones. The adult most likely will just say ‘that’s nice, dear’ and continue doing what he was doing. Obviously, the adult was trying to make the kid think he is paying attention. I mean, who is he trying to fool? He probably didn’t even lift his head! He should at least take a look! Adults might argue that they don’t have time to look at a child’s pictures. I think they can just lift their heads AND THEN say ‘that’s nice, dear.’ Just to show that they actually looked at it, and not ignore it completely.

More on the second bit, adults always try to talk sense to us when the topic isn’t about making sense. It is hard to find an example in real life, so I will just take something from “The Little Prince”. When the main character was small, he drew a boa constrictor (a huge snake) that just swallowed an elephant. He showed it to adults. The adults kept telling him that boa constrictors can’t eat elephants. Come on! The main subject wasn’t even about boa constrictors or elephants! The main character simply wanted to make them look at the picture!

What do you think? It is totally okay to comment different opinions and I will check if there’s anything that I cannot argue with.

Headline image by robbie36 on Unsplash