A letter to a friend

A letter to a friend



Hello guys! I was wondering around internet and I've come across an app that give some prompts to write about. The app is actually dedicated to IELTS writing, but since I'm focusing on improve my writing skills I decided to write and publish here to get some feedback. That's the prompt and my text:


"You will move to a new city for work. You know some people who live there. Write a letter to someone you know who lives there."

Hello Beah, how are you?

it's been a long time since we've talked, right? I hope you're doing great! So, I have some news that I think will get you excited: I'm moving to LA next month! I know it's crazy, and it's a long story, that I'll be glad to tell you in person, but what I can say now is that for work reasons. I've got a promotion and that requires me to move to LA.

So, I was wondering if you could give me a hand? I've never stayed for too long in LA, so I don't really how to move around or even where I can find a place to stay. Do you know any accommodation or places to rent? I don't need anything big or fancy, just some calm place to stay, but it would be nice to be close to the downtown, I'll work around that area.

I can't wait to meet you so we can catch things up, there is so many things I want to tell you, and I know that you have a lot to tell me too! Anyway, I'll be waiting for your answer!


And that was the letter! I really enjoyed doing it! I think I'll try to do more of it, it made me write in a way that I'm not used to. If you are curious or want to text the it, the app name is IELTS Practice. Thank you so much for reading!

Headline image by alvaroserrano on Unsplash