Getting Lazy

Getting Lazy


It feels like the more time passes, the less persevering/persistent I get with work-related stuff (mostly studying). Missing deadlines, cutting corners, putting stuff off/back. Sometimes its easier to waste another 2 hours than to start looking at the tasks at hand. Make no mistake, I'm capable of finishing in time without quality affected, especially if I'm passionate about what I'm doing. When it comes to something tedious, I can't spend more than a couple of minutes without drifting off and getting lost in my own thoughts. Being in class helps; I do what I'm expected to do and it motivates me to continue studying at home. But when I get home, I forget about it all; old habits kick in and I open YouTube or whatever shite I usually do to "gEt sOmE ReST aFteR a BuSy dAy". But it all drags on until I realise it's late night and I haven't done any homework and will have to come up with some dodgy strategy to solve the mess I've made. It's yet another evening that I've wasted, so I better wrap up. Because, frankly, I don't know what else to say. But I'll try to figure things out and this post is just a little push (or even one of the pushes) that hopefully will remind me to start working on the issue. Maybe I'll follow it up with stuff that's going to both inspire and help me break down tasks and handle them better. Anyway, as long as I write and get some interaction and new ideas, it feels nice. Alright, gonna get some sleep now.