Very Brutal History I

Very Brutal History I



Nowadays, a lot of people are talking about humans being brutal and cruel to the environment and animals. Well, today I am flipping through history books to tell you brutal things humans do. Prepare your time machine, let’s dive in history!

First, we have the Stone Age, where humans started walking up-straight. People invented clothes, houses, stone axes, stone arrowheads, stone blades, stone…(You name it!) And finally, “brain surgeries” where you drill holes in people’s heads.

Then, we have one of the oldest civilizations, the epic Egyptians. They built pyramids to the sky, dug really cozy tombs, worshipped half-animal god, and made mummies. Oops! I slipped my mind. When they make mummies, they don’t just wrap up the pharaohs’ body. They cut out their guts, dig out their eyes, and hook the brain out from the nose.

The Greeks came next. They fought with full armor, invented the Olympics, and spread awesome stories of their gods. Well…it went too far. When the Spartans made sacrifices to the goddess Artemis, they whipped people until they bled all over the place.

Here comes the Romans! They had their own version of the gods, which were the names of the planets in the solar system. They built the Colosseum, just to watch wild beasts eat people.

(To be continued…)

Headline image by neom on Unsplash