The Story of Guy Fawkes

The Story of Guy Fawkes



Once upon a time, there was an idiot called Guy Fawkes. He hates the king, so he joined some people to blow up the palace with gunpowder. Here was the plan: Robert will tell the king that he will give the king a lot of barrels of wine. Bill will roll the wine in the garage and replace some with gunpowder, and Guy will carry them near the palace and light the gunpowder.

At first, it went well. Robert had successfully told the king about the wine. Bill had bought a lot of wine from a factory and started rolling them in and replaced some with gunpowder. It looked fascinating to see a bunch of barrels rolling from a wagon. After these two are done with their job, they went out of the palace, hoping to see it go up in flames soon.

Guy started carrying them, until he sniffed out some wine. “Hmm…what if I just drink some wine? They are useless anyway.” He started drinking until he was drunk.

“Oh my! That was some nice wine! I should have some food too!” Guy said as he opens another barrel with gunpowder. “Urgh! These black powder do taste bad!” said Guy as he screwed up his face with gunpowder dripping out of his mouth. “Anyways, the king should definitely try some of that good wine!”

Guy rolled a barrel of wine in front of the king. “Your majesty, I got some nice wine in here! Your highness must try some!” “Oh yes! That Robert guy told me about it! Just in time for a feast! Help bring it up, will you? You can join afterwards.” said the king delightfully.

After the feast, the king said, “That wine was terrific! It is like liquid rainbow! What else have you got?” “Err…I also have some special food that looks like gunpowder, but your majesty will definitely not like it.” said Guy as he screwed up his face again.

“Yuck! That was real bad. But it do look like gunpowder! Very queer indeed…” said king with a disgusted face after he ate gunpowder. “Hmm…I wonder if it will taste better if you cook it?” asked Guy. “Let’s try with a small amount!” said the king, “Call the royal chef!”

The chef put it in the oven and came out with a black face after a big “KABOOM!”. “Er…I think it was real gunpowder, your majesty…” “Good gracious me! Arrest Guy Fawkes! Burn him!” bellowed the king.

So there. Guy Fawkes got roasted. I guess his last words are, “No wonder that tasted bad!”

Headline image by chaozzy on Unsplash