Finding your path

Finding your path


daily life

Hardly any question is more difficult and fundamental than the following: “what do you want to do in life?”. Picking a path, amid a lot others, is extremely complicated. You see so many possibilities in your front that it’s easy to be paralyzed, not knowing where to go.

However, i believe that the key to find who you want and need to be is to cultivate honesty. Most people just prefer to stick with their apparently endless potential, instead of narrowing down their paths. They prefer to stay like kids, who can imagine all sorts of realities, futures and possibilities, instead of carrying the burden of a well defined goal. No wonder: when you define the parameters for success, you also establish the conditions for failure.

Nonetheless, you should be more afraid of not defining your way through life than to eliminate some paths or possibilities. I mean, those who wants to be everything might end up being nothing.

Also, in order to discover your ideal future, you have to concentrate, be imaginative(which does not mean being an idealist) and introspective. You have to think deeply about different future scenarios, and try to catch the feelings and sensations that emerges from that imagination. When doing that, you should attempt to not police or reprehend your thoughts and sentiments; let, instead, everything flows smoothly and with absolute freedom.

By combining those actitudes and mind states, you may discover the path and the person you want to become, in regards to your career path, your personal and intimate life, life style and other crucial(could i use paramount?) aspects and facets of your life.