Papers, please!

Papers, please!



It is mostly really easy to travel around Europe but not in this year. I don't say it is hard as getting a visa and going through the administration hell but It is bad in its own way. Mostly I save my ticket on my phone and print it out and I am ready to go.

Now it is a bit more complicated. Not because I have fill out one or two extra forms (it is not big deal) or I have to go to testing after the arrival but because of the many rumors and disinformation and the chaos that is introduced in the last few month. Most of the companies and officials are not prepared with a decant workflow or some emergency plans so they doing everything on the go.

I was really lucky: my new employer helped me a lot. They bought the tickets and arranged the testing and they are helping me to find a accommodation. Mostly this things are easy. There is always a travel agency and some hotels who are eager to spend my hardly earned salary. Not now. Nobody knows what and how and when. I would have missed half of the stuff that I need to do before I go in on my first day to the office if I did not have some local help.

Now I have my ticket and most of my other papers ready to go. It is a big relief. It is almost like it was at my first travel to the west (yep I am a bit old. I have some memories before Hungary was in the Schengen area). I was around twelve years old and everything was a big deal: long bus ride, passport, boarder, packing. The big adventure without my parents. Yeh The travel was boring and nothing has happen. I didn't seen even a border guard. Okay. That is not true. I have seen a boarder guard but he was sleeping. He has woken up only to wave to the bus to go and let him sleep. I was scared that I mess up something and they send me home from one of the boarders. Now I am older and I would be scared to go with that old Ikarus bus. I don't say that their are dead trap but they was old even in my childhood and yeh. They don't have any seat belt....

I have already forgotten that stuff. In the last few years I didn't think about the boarders or stuff like that. Last time I was in Vienna I was surprised that I got SMS from my carrier that I had left Hungary and I am safe with them. I can assure You, Vienna mostly a really safe place without any corporate protection. Deadly to your wallet and If You has a diabetes than don't go into any of the 'Konditoreis' but that's all.

So. It is strange now that we have this uncertainly and fear of traveling. Not because of the danger of the COVID (that constant, even if You go to the local shop) but because we don't know that we have all of the papers to go to a different country or the regulation will be changed in the last minute. I hope that will change soon and not because I want to go to Croatia on the summer (because not, I am the odd go the mountains guy :D) but because I don't like this feeling of uncertainly.