A Japanese Chat Room

A Japanese Chat Room


language exchanges

It has been a while since I had a voice chat with a new potential language exchange partner. (Does “potential” make sense here? Is "a trial voice chat with a new language exchange partner" better?) I met her at a language exchange website, ConversationExchange.com. I've been going there on and off since 2016. It has chat rooms in many languages. Unfortunately, few people post messages in the Japanese chat room, even when several people join the room. Do they only want to watch others chat?

I have noticed that there are regular members. A few of them post two or three messages every time they visit the room, such as greetings or random things. I used to reply to them when I was there, but our chat did not warm up. So, I stopped replying to them. I became a ROM. (It stands for Read Only Member, which is a parody of Read Only Memory, a computer part. I know it is a now-obsolete word.) I got it! That is one of the reasons why few people post messages.




Headline image by akurakuu on Unsplash