Book Review: The Sun in My Hands by Kaho Ishida

Book Review: The Sun in My Hands by Kaho Ishida



The story is about a middle-aged welding technician. He has been welding the pipes of chemical plants, which require high skills because the pipes have to withstand high pressure. He has been the best technician in his company. He has been proud of the quite low failure rate of his welds.

One day, he is assigned to a much easier job than he has been doing due to his increased failure rate. It is a turning point. He begins to lose his confidence in his technique.

He makes simple mistakes even on simple jobs. Sometimes he sees an inspector watching him at his work, but it is his illusion. He loses his temper with the foreman who points out his violation of the safety rules. The company finally bans him from welding for a year. He is afraid that his welding technique will rust. He goes to a construction site to weld in his co-worker's place without his company's permission.

I wonder if he could ask someone for advice on this matter. Was he too proud of himself to admit that his technique was not what it used to be? If it were me, what would I do?






Headline image by atharva_tulsi on Unsplash