Fixing a Switchbox

Fixing a Switchbox


daily life

A repairman came to my house yesterday morning to fix a problem with the switch box for the motorized garage door. The switch box has a key. The problem was that the key was hard to turn near the close position. I replaced the door a month ago. The box was also replaced. The manufacturer of the old one and the new one are different. I suspected that the new box was a little larger than the old one, causing the latch of the lock to touch the wall in which the box was embedded.

At first, I wondered if I could take the box out and use a flathead screwdriver and a hammer to break the wall a little. However, I was not sure how the box was secured to the wall and whether I would be able to break the wall. So I waited for the repairman.

He came to my house on the bicycle of his wife and his children. I guessed that he didn’t belong to the company where I had ordered the door from and that he was asked to fix the problem because he lived closest to my house.

I watched curiously as he fixed the problem. He removed two screws to free the box from the wall. He checked the gap between the dent in the wall and the box. Then he refastened the box with the screws, pushing the box as far to the right as he could. He checked that the key turned easily. The holes in the box for the screws were clearance holes and the distance between the holes and the plate they were screwed into was long. The adjustment allowance for installation is probably large because it is difficult to work precisely.





Headline image by aggriffith on Unsplash