A new journey

A new journey


language learning
daily life

Hello there!!

It's been a long time time since I don't write something here. When I sarted using this website, I was triying in all ways to improve my language skills about Ensglish language. I was not able to produce a single spoken word, due all my learning was based in input and I forget to include in my learning the esential output activities, I refer to speaking and writing. And this website helped me a lot to improve on it. Now I'm able to speak more fluenty in the language and even have normal and casual conversations. Its so rewarding to finally look back and see all the dificulties I had on my way. I'm so happy and a lot has changed since my last post.

I'm not in a high level in the language. I still committing a lot of mistakes, mainly about grammar and spelling. That's why I've decided to continue writing on this website. It helped me a lot in the past and now I expect it to help me again. I'm trying to reach proficiency, becasuse now I'm studying a degree and it is necessary, if not mandatory, to speak in the language. I want to show my best and give the best of me too. I'm not in touch with native speakers, that's why I have to use all the resources like this web, to achive my goal.

I'll start wrting about more academic topics, articles, news and updated about my jorney about languages. But I'll try to use the language in a more complicated and professional way, to put it that way. So I hope you can help me, and I'll help you in your Spanish wrting as well. Thank you.