From Excel to HTML with ChatGPT

From Excel to HTML with ChatGPT



I used to write programs as a part of my job. My main programming languages were and VBA. Last week I wanted to create index pages for our products as an HTML file. In other words, alphabetical lists of models are also the link to the web page of each model.

First, I created a table with models, categories, URIs, and notes in Excel. Then, I asked how to convert it into an HTML file for ChatGPT. To my surprise, ChatGPT showed me some Python code in less than a minute and it worked. However, the index page was not formatted. It's not its fault because I didn't tell it about any format. So I added the following instructions to it.

- The page has headers as the first character of models.

- The index is formatted as a table.

- Each row of the table has two items.

- If two items in the same row have different first characters, the second item should move to the next row.

- The width of the header is the same as the width of the next row.

I tried to complete the programming using ChatGPT but I finally gave up. Because sometimes it only implemented part of my instructions. I pointed it out and ChatGPT updated the program. However, it easily missed a part of my previous instructions.

Let's say, my first instruction was A, B, and C. It created a program that followed A and C. I pointed out that it had forgotten about B. Then it created a program that followed B and C. It forgot about A.

I believe that ChatGPT can write relatively simple programs with logical reasoning. But I don't understand why it sometimes ignores the previous instructions.


 私は以前、仕事の一部としてプログラムを書いていました。主に と VBAを使っていました。先週、会社の製品の索引ページをHTMLファイルとして作成しようと思いました。製品型式のアルファベット順の一覧で、それぞれが該当製品のページへのリンクになっているものです。









Headline image by pankajpatel on Unsplash