My experience in England (Part 1)

My experience in England (Part 1)



My first time in England was around 2002.

Once a day my boss came into my office and told me that I have to go to Birmingham for an exhibition... one collegue there was ill and I have to support the team. We had no time to lose, so I packed my luggage and drove in the direction of Calais. I was very excited about the ferry, the language (I only learned English in school), the country and how it is to drive on the other side of the road (driving in England is very easy if you are from a "left hand driver" country... "Do everything wrong". In my opinion or better, in my case, it works). It was very exciting on the ferry, especially when I saw the splendid rocks on the seaside... stunning.

I had to pick up a collegue near London and afterwards we both drove together directly to Birmingham where we had to build up the booth. We were a bit late, but there is enough time in the evening to finish the work. It was a great teamwork with a lot of fun and music (BBC Radio One... the best radio station in the world). We finished everything perfect, well done.

I asked my collegue if we should have a smal supper and a few drinks after "check in" before we go onto our rooms. "Oh, thats a good idea" answered my collegue, "but my hotel is far away from here nearly 50 km... I can't find a hotel nearby during the show. Where is your hotel?" Thats a very good question, I thought...