How much in trouble we actually are?

How much in trouble we actually are?


international relations

Every time we check out the news, we come across tragedy and despair. It´s easy to become pessimistic about the future of humanity when we see constantly news concerning wars, hunger, discrimination and climate crisis. Nevertheless, we should try to dig out the often omitted good side of things.

We, humans, for the most of the time in history, struggled to survive and fulfill our basic needs. However, despite some people perceive the contrary, our situation has been improving quite dramatically. As UN points out, 11,6% of the global population suffers from extreme poverty, the lowest percentage ever recorded in world´s history. Of course, 11,6% is still- especially if one considers the absolute numbers- quite alarming and unnerving; but we should commemorate and be motivated by the victories and advances.

In addition,since many problems have poverty as a root cause, rising up the economic status of those who suffers from privation means improving life expectancy, child mortality rate and quality of life.

Also, although there are still some wars causing destruction and havoc to the life of many innocent people, it´s not obvious that the world is becoming more violent; actually, some indicators has shown the opposite: the global rate murder was, in year 2000, 8 per 100 000, in comparison to 5.3 per 100 000 registered fifteen years after(2015).

To sum up, maybe the world is not merely taking the path of caos and despair, as, some statistics has been clarifying, we are somewhat successfully combating some of the biggest problems out there. Perhaps we can indulge in some optimism towards the future.