Problemau yn yr ardd

Problemau yn yr ardd


daily life

Cefais wyliau byr. Roeddwn i ffwrdd am rai dyddiau. fel arfer nid yw'r tywydd yn rhy boeth yr adeg hon o'r flwyddyn. Mae rhew yn gyffredin. Felly rhoddais fy eginblanhigion o dan wydr. Yn anffodus roedd diwrnod poeth tra roeddwn i ffwrdd. Bu farw'r rhan fwyaf o'r eginblanhigion. Roeddwn yn drist am ychydig. Yna fe wnes i siopa ar-lein a phrynu mwy o hadau. Nid yw'n rhy hwyr i ddechrau eto. Ar yr ochr dda, tra roeddwn i ffwrdd es i farchnad Wynyard a phrynais gwsberis heb ddrain, leimwydden Thai, math newydd o fefus a rhai eginblanhigion ysbigoglys. Cefais sbri yn eu plannu pan ddychwelais. Hefyd dewisais ychydig o fefus cynnar yn y tŷ gwydr. Mae'r goeden bricyll yn ei blodau. Roedd y tywydd yn oer dros y penwythnos ond mae'n gwella. maen nhw'n dweud y bydd gennym ni dymheredd dros ugain gradd celsius yr wythnos hon. O, a possum yn trio mynd i mewn i fy llain* llysiau neithiwr. Methodd. Mae fy llysiau yn ddiogel.

* Fy causes a nasal mutation, but it doesn't affects the consonant ll.

What I am trying to say:

I had a short holiday. I was away for a few days. usually the weather is not to hot this time of year. Frosts are common. So I put my seedlings under glass. Unfortunately there was a hot day while I was away. Most of the seedlings died. I was sad for a bit. Then I shopped online and bought some more soon. It's not to late to start again. On the good side, while I was away I went to the Wynyard market and I bought a thornless gooseberry, a thai lime, a new type of strawberry and some spinach seedlings. I had fun planting them when I returned. I also picked a few early strawberries in the greenhouse. The apricot tree is in flower. The weather was cold over the weekend but it is getting better. they say we will have temperatures over twenty degrees celsius this week. Oh, and a possum tried to get into my vegetable patch last night. It failed. My vegetables are safe