Describe a map

Describe a map


The map illustrates alterations to an airport after renovation next year.

Overall, the airport will be expanded and become more convenient for travelers with additional gates, more cafe shops, a new sky train, a bag drop area, and an ATM area.

As the map shows, the number of gates will increase from 8 gates to 18 gates. Furthermore, now to move from the gates to the passport control area, people have to go on foot. Next year, there will be a sky train that connects these two areas. Moreover, on the way from the gates to the departure area, new shops will be built.

In the departure area, the check-in area will be moved from the left side to the right side. In contrast, the cafe shop will be moved from the right side to the left side. A new bag drop area will be constructed on the left side.

The arrival area is now empty. However, next year a cafe shop, ATM area, and car hire area will be built there.

Furthermore, the number of gates in the departure area and arrival area will rise from one gate in each area to two gates in each area.