Should sugary products be made more expensive?

Should sugary products be made more expensive?


Nowadays, lifestyle has become more hectic. People are consuming a large amount of processed foods and drinks that contain a lot of sugar. Sugary products cause several diseases, such as obesity. Thus, some people suggest that the government should increase the price of sugary products, in order to prevent people from consuming them. From my perspective, I strongly disagree with this opinion.

On the one hand, it is clear that overusing sugar can increase the risk of dangerous diseases, such as obesity, sleep disorders, and heart stroke. In order to encourage citizens to consume less sugar, the government can raise the taxes on sugary products or use other methods to force companies to increase the price of these products.

On the other hand, this action would bring a myriad of negative consequences. Food and beverage is a big industry. A sudden decline in sales can lead to the bankruptcy of plenty of companies. As a result, thousands of people will lose their jobs. A high rate of unemployment will lead to a high rate of crime. When we take an action, we should consider not only its benefits but also its drawbacks, because sometimes the price of this action is very significant.

Furthermore, if the price of sugary products is more expensive, customers will find alternative products to replace them. These products might be more harmful to our health. For example, if the price of sodas is higher, consumers will buy more beer and alcohol, which are more harmful.

Additionally, if the government increases the price of sugary products, oily products are also not good for our health, should we raise their price too? Therefore, increasing the price is not a good solution, the better solution is to raise public awareness of this problem.

In conclusion, this essay discussed both the advantages and disadvantages of this solution. I strongly believe that the government should not raise the price of sugary products.